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设备名称 Hitachi SEM S-5000
型号 S-5000 制造商 HITACHI
晶元尺寸 Other Vintage 1996-
销售状态 销售中 设备状态 维修中
数据 *. Image Resolution:
- 30KV 0.6nm
- 1 KV 2.5nm with a test specimen
*.Magnification 20X ~ 300,000X
*. Stage Movement X ±3.5 mm,Y ±2 mm,Z ±0.3 mm,Tilt ±15 tilt
*. Sample holder Column insert type
*. Sample exchange Goniometer type
*. Stage drive Drive X/Y/TILT are motor driven,Control Manual control by trackball
*. Electron gun Cold field emission source
- Accel voltage: 0.5 ~ 30 KV
- Lens system 3-stage electromagnetic lens
- Objective aperture 4-opennings, selectable & alignable from outside the vacuum
*. CRT 12 inch viewing CRT X 2
*. Image processing auto image Brightness control
*. Scan speed Viewing TV, 0, 3, 2, 10, 20 s/frame,Recording 40, 80, 160, 320 s/frame
*. Vacuum pump IP1 60,IP2 20,IP3 20,TMP 340,Rotary pump 145
*. Dimension 108(w) x 132(d) X 175(h) cm, 1,380kg
*. Utility :
- Room temp 15℃ ~ 25 ℃,
- Room humidity below 60%
- Power AC 100, 115V ±10% 50/60Hz, 4KVA
*. Installed in Clean-room
  - 总公司: 3, Tongjeong 3-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea ,31208
  - 电话: 82-41-554-6920~1 传真: 82-41-554-6922